søndag 30. september 2007

My little sister

Yes, I'm gonna edit the red eyes;)

A little friend (again *lol*)

Funniest cat in the world

mandag 17. september 2007


At the photographer

Credit: Sherrie Piegdon - The Pixel Gypsy

A little friend

mandag 10. september 2007


lørdag 8. september 2007

CT-LO: My favourite room

This is a LO for next weeks challenge at The Pixel Gypsy Blog. Check it out:)

søndag 2. september 2007


fredag 31. august 2007

CT-LO for blog challenge

This is an example for Sherrie's blog challenge over at the
- take a look at this weeks challenge and you could win gift certificates!

torsdag 30. august 2007

Do you love using glitter on your layouts?

If so, jump over to the Pixel Gypsy blog to see the challenge!
Visit her
shop and buy some of her gorgeus glitter products, make a LO with it and post the link on her blog. And then you wait to see if you're the lucky one to win a $10 og $5 Gift Sertificate!
The challenge ends this sunday, so hurry up:)

Good luck!

What's wrong with this biscuit?

onsdag 22. august 2007

I'm a guest CT member!!!

Sherrie Piegdon at PixelGypsyDesigns had a CT-call last weekend, and since I love her stuff I thought I give it a try.
And guess what, today there were a really nice e-mail from her in my mailbox:)
I'm invited to be guest on her team in september and october! And of course I said yes! Can't wait to start in this team, it's gonna be 2 exciting months as a Gypsy girl!
You can see her stuff at www.pixelgypsydesigns.com :)

søndag 19. august 2007

A little friend

lørdag 18. august 2007

A quiet place

onsdag 15. august 2007


My little sister who became a teenager way too fast ;)

onsdag 25. juli 2007

My own prince charming

torsdag 19. juli 2007

My first National day

Me and my cousin

On this picture I'm only 2 weeks old, and my 2 year older cousin were so kind to take me on a ride with his tractor:)


The text say: "As siblings it's naturally with some arguing and fighting over the years. But now we're really good friends".

Busy years for mom and dad:)

This is mom's bellys from when she were pregnant with me and my sister. I'm inside the left belly, it's just a couple of days before the birth. And the same with the belly with my sister inside:)

Fun in the bath


When I was 2 I was bridesmaid in my aunt and uncles wedding. I don't remember, but these photos are great to have.

Sister love

My sister is only 15 months younger than me, and that could be both positive and negative;) This is from the time before we had learned arguing with each other;)

Happy summer

I'm scrapping my baby photos to make an album:) This is from a lovely summer day in 83.

Winter vacation 06

tirsdag 17. juli 2007

.:. Freebie .:.

You can download this freebie HERE.
Remember to give credit when using in layouts.

Playing with uncle

Playtime in the garden with uncle. The text say: "Really fun to play with uncle and the rug in the garden. It's fun to sit on, and it's even more funny to fall off!"

søndag 15. juli 2007


This is my sister in law's son. I took these photos when he played outside - so much funny faces and so much energy:)

My dad and I

This is from when I were 2-3 years old. My dad and I took these photos in an automat and I've kept it ever since. I think this was a fun way to use them and I'm really satisfied with the result:)

My grandparents

This is my fathers parents, we called them Mommo and Bætte. This is one of the few picture I have with me and them since they left when I was very young.

My great grandparents

torsdag 12. juli 2007

A tiny baby

I really love this picture, look at my fathers hand in the back. It looks huge!! It really shows hos tiny she was..

Newborn princess

Another LO of my youngest sister. She were born in week 30. The birth went so quickly, that's why she's so blue in her face. I was 13 when she was born, and this were the first picture I got to see of her... I didn't think it was a pretty picture, but now I like it... Reminds me of how little and fragile she was...

My babysister (1994)

This is the first LO in an album I'm making to my 13 year old little sister. This is her on the ultrasoundpicture at 18 weeks. The text say: " Here's the first picture of you. You're about 18 weeks, and it's still a long time before we get to meet you. But you wanted it different, 12 weeks after this picture you were ready to meet the world"
This LO is inspired by IDA